Hamburg I Frankfurt I München


Moin. Schön, dass Du hier bist!


Wir suchen Dich als

  • Specialist Interior Smart Repair (m/w/d)


    Durchführung von Smart Repairs an lackierten und folierten Oberflächen innerhalb der Flugzeugkabine

    Präzise Bearbeitung und Reparatur von Oberflächen zur Sicherstellung höchster Qualitätsstandards

    Vorbereitung auf zukünftige Aufgaben, wie z.B. die Verarbeitung von Polstern und Leder



    Berufserfahrung in einem verwandten Beruf (z.B. Automotive). Industrie, Maler, Restaurator, Raumausstatter)

    Erfahrung im Bereich Smart Repair oder ähnliche Tätigkeiten

    Ein gültiger Führerschein ist erforderlich

    Bereitschaft zur Schichtarbeit

    Einwandfreies Führungszeugnis für den Zugang erforderlich zum Sicherheitsbereich

    Fähigkeit, in einer sensiblen Umgebung wie der Flugzeugkabine sauber und genau zu arbeiten

    Fähigkeit, Farben präzise zu erkennen und zu unterscheiden.

  • Field Service Mechanic (m/w/d)


    Completed vocational training in the skilled trades, for example as an aircraft mechanic, mechatronics technician, carpenter or other comparable craft training

    Class B driving licence

    Desire to work in an international team

    Willingness to travel (national and international)

    Good written and spoken English

    Professional experience in the field of aviation is an advantage

    Application security with MS Office is an advantage



    The execution of rework, mainly in the cabin, directly on the Airplane

    The analysis of faults and damage and the elimination of these by repairing or replacing the affected components

    Smart repair of cabin equipment components

    The digital documentation of your work at the end of the day in Excel and SAP

    Making independent agreements with suppliers and customers.

  • Field Service Mechanic - Zertifizierung/Wartung (m/w/d)
    Hamburg / Frankfurt


    Completed vocational training in the skilled trades, e.g. as an aircraft mechanic in, mechatronics technician in. Carpenter or other comparable craft training

    High willingness to travel and flexibility

    Willingness to work shifts and weekends

    Class B driving licence

    Desire to work in an international team

    Good written and spoken English

    Application safety with S-Ofice is an advantage



    The execution of rework, mainly in the cabin, directly on the Airplane

    The analysis of faults and damage and the elimination of these by repairing or replacing the affected components

    Smart repair of cabin equipment components

    The digital documentation of your work at the end of the day in Excel and

    Making independent agreements with suppliers and customers

  • Field Service Mechanic - Instandhaltung (m/w/d)
    Hamburg / Frankfurt


    The execution of rework, mainly in the cabin, directly on the Airplane

    The analysis of faults and damage and the elimination of these by repairing or replacing the affected components

    Smart repair of cabin equipment components

    The digital documentation of your work at the end of the day in Excel and

    Making independent agreements with suppliers and customers.



    Completed vocational training in the trades, e.g. as an aircraft mechanic in, mechatronics technician in. Carpenter or other comparable craft training

    High willingness to travel and flexibility

    Willingness to work shifts and weekends

    Class B driving licence

    Desire to work in an international team.

    Good written and spoken English.

    Application safety with MS-Office is an advantage

  • Initiativbewerbung (m/w/d)